Monday, May 08, 2006

Quota's for National Religious?

According to Middle East Newsline, a news service that specializes in coverage of the IDF, Stern recently revised theIDF's guidelines for recruitment. In light of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's intention to expel tens of thousands of Israelis from theirhomes in Judea and Samaria, the IDF no longer believes that soldiers from the national religious camp are trustworthy. So, according to an officer in the Manpower Division quoted in the report, the IDF willnow limit the recruitment of religious soldiers. The shortfall will bemade up by juvenile delinquents who are currently barred from servingin combat units.

I can't find the quote mentioned in the article by Caroline Glick in the Jerusalem Post "Our World: The IDF's Suicide Attempt:, but if true, what would they do, place quota's on the drafting of National Religious?